***ATTENTION: Due to upcoming Spring Break and prep/travel/participation at Texas Pinball Festival, orders placed after March 7 may experience some delay in processing. Thanks for your patience!***


Venom Coin Reject Buttons


Two ‘destinations’ inside the game — the Life Foundation, and the Daily Bugle — grace the face of these 3D printed coin reject buttons.  The buttons are printed using mid-layer filament changes, allowing for full color designs while permanently fusing the design to the button!

Purchase includes a pair of buttons (one Bugle, one Life), and two colored bulbs where applicable (e.g., red, green, purple).

Installation is easy!  See installation instructions below.

**Buyer is responsible to confirm their coin door uses this Suzo-Happ button type (replacement for button only in 42-0517 assembly, no housing included), as some export/reimport games may have had coin doors changed/modified.**

Installation Instructions
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