This 3D printed button start button embraces the neon color schemes on the John Wick cabinets & playfields, utilizing seven different colors to create a bright, vibrant button. Its design incorporates a cityscape with backlit window lights and a lit green border, emulating the buildings & edge-lit plastics inside the game. A starry sky appears behind the buildings using a sparkle black filament. START appears in a John Wick-esque font, with its perimeter lit up in the bright neon color of your choice — orange, pink, or blue.
The button is printed in one continuous multicolor print, fusing the entire design together.
Installation is easy! See installation instructions section below.
NOTE: RCP 3D Start Buttons are designed to snap snugly into place and should not spin. If your button spins after installation, this can be quickly & easily remedied using this service bulletin:
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